How do I move a road easement on your land?
A road easement has been established on your land to give your neighbour, who lives on the adjacent land, access to his land.
What do I need to know when buying a loft?
The first wave of lofts in Lithuania broke out more than a decade ago. At that time, the people who were most fascinated by this novelty were people who were looking to buy their own
Partitioning is the best solution for disputing co-owners
In practice, it is often the case that real estate is owned by several owners. Tensions and disputes often arise between co-owners over how to
Who has to pay for terrace repairs - all owners of an apartment building or just the terrace users?
Who has to pay for terrace repairs - all owners of an apartment building or just the terrace users?
Is there a public land rent charge for a shelter under public land?
Lawyer answers on whether state land rent is payable for a shelter under state land